Manel Ramada

Manel Ramada
È nato a Benaguasil (Valencia). Ha studiato a Valencia con José Sáez, José Morató, Roberto Campos e Manuel Tomás, a Madrid con José Mª Martín Porrás, Enrique Llácer, Joan Iborra e Javier Benet, ad Amsterdam con Jan Pustjens, Jan Labordus, Jim Gordon e Peter Prommel e Ghent con Frank Nuyts e Robert van Sice.
Si è esibito e continua a collaborare con la maggior parte delle orchestre sinfoniche spagnole, O. del Concertgebouw di Amsterdam e con gruppi strumentali come Barcelona 216, Linea Group, Enigma Group-Chamber Orchestra dell’Auditorium di Saragozza, Amsterdam Percussion Group, Nits-Percussions of the Mediterranean, Instrumental Group of Valencia, Turiae Camerata, Estil Concertant, Taima- Granada, Perkumanía Ensemble, Etnos Ensemble, Batec de l’Alé e Per-sax Duo.
È stato professore di percussioni al Conservatorio Superiore di Musica di Saragozza dal 1986 al 2000 e al Centro Superiore di Musica dei Paesi Baschi (Musikene) dalla sua creazione dal 2001 al 2008. Ha creato e prodotto diversi spettacoli di percussioni come Once Upon a Time the Percussion, The Paradidle-Quartet, Around the World in 80 Percussion Instruments, Gaia, Hª of a Percussionist, The History of Percussion in the Orchestra .
È stato professore ospite della maggior parte delle orchestre giovanili in Spagna, direttore artistico di Per-se-cussió Ensemble e Perkustra ed è attualmente professore di percussioni al Conservatorio di musica di Valencia e membro di PerKu-Va.
Ha tenuto corsi estivi, conferenze e masterclass nei conservatori di Spagna, Europa, Asia e America Latina. Ha partecipato come giurato a diversi concorsi internazionali di percussioni. Ha registrato per RNE e Catalunya Ràdio. È autore di numerose pubblicazioni sull’insegnamento delle percussioni come Percussion in the Classroom, The Orchestral snare drum, Atlas of Percussion, Orchestral Trials for percussion, Caixa d’orquestra, Percussion-Test, Iberian Mallets e El Ritme i la Percussió.
Was born in Benaguasil (València). He studied in Valencia with José Sáez, José Morató, Roberto Campos and Manuel Tomás, in Madrid with José Mª Martín Porrás, Enrique Llácer, Joan Iborra and Javier Benet, in Amsterdam with Jan Pustjens, Jan Labordus, Jim Gordon and Peter Prommel and Ghent with Frank Nuyts and Robert van Sice.
He has performed and continues to collaborate with the majority of Spanish symphony orchestras, O. of the Concertgebouw of Amsterdam as well as instrumental groups such as Barcelona 216, Linea Group, Enigma Group-Chamber Orchestra of the Auditorium of Zaragoza, Amsterdam Percussion Group, Nits-Percussions of the Mediterranean, Instrumental Group of Valencia, Turiae Camerata, Estil Concertant, Taima- Granada, Perkumanía Ensemble, Etnos Ensemble, Batec de l’Alé and Per-sax Duo.
He has been professor of percussion at the Conservatory Superior of Music of Zaragoza from 1986 to 2000 and the Higher Center of Music of the Basque Country (Musikene) from its creation 2001 to 2008. He has created and produced different percussion shows such as Once Upon a Time the Percussion, The Paradidle-Quartet, Around the World in 80 Percussion Instruments, Gaia, Hª of a Percussionist, The History of Percussion in the Orchestra …
He has been guest professor of most of youth orchestras in Spain, artistic director of Per-se-cussió Ensemble and Perkustra and He is currently Professor of Percussion at the Conservatory of Music of Valencia and a member of PerKu-Va.
He has taught summer courses, lectures and master classes in conservatories throughout Spain, Europe, Asia and Latin America. He has participated as a jury in several international percussion competitions. He has recorded for RNE and Catalunya Ràdio. He is the author of several publications on the teaching of percussion such as Percussion in the Classroom, The Orchestral snare drum, Atlas of Percussion, Orchestral Trials for percussion, Caixa d’orquestra, Percussion-Test, Iberian Mallets and El Ritme i la Percussió.